Showing posts with label Local Government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Local Government. Show all posts

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Rules (and fines) for Your Doggies In Pyeongtaek

Many of us here in Pyeongtaek are raising fur babies, but sometimes it's hard to be sure exactly what the rules are.  Here are the ones that Pyeongtaek is most focused on right now. Following these laws and rules will help ensure and easier life for you and your pet.

Pyeongtaek Pet Rules / Laws:

- Be considerate of others and understand not everyone loves pets. Some people are scared of them.

- Pets must be leashed. Should be decent and appropriate in length  FINE: 100,000 won 

- Pets must be tagged. The tag must specify the owner’s name, contact number, etc.  FINE: 200,000 won

- Residents must pick up after dogs (so carry bags with you). FINE: 100,000 won

- You are required to care for the pets you adopt for their life time. Abandoned pets FINE: 1,000,000 Won.

- All pets must be registered by 3 months old. They are registered with the Pyeongtaek City Livestock Division at your nearby animal hospital. Korean's use chips to register their animals. FINE: 400,000 won. (learn more at

If you need more information than this: Contact the Pyeongtaek City Livestock Division at phone number 031-8024-3840~4